She questions, is this really it?
By 23, two little girls were God's gifts.
Ambition aside. Young life waiting beside.
She steals moments by the window and sighs.
Leaves, they change
The lines on her sweet face reaarange
And her hair grows a different shade
She questions, is this really it?
Her girls are growing
The seeds in the backyard, she starts sowing
While her back breaks from bowing.
Working day in and day out to put her family first
And never once quenching her own thirst
She questions, is this really it?
Working and saving to move to that new World
For she wants better for her girls
And to her home, a big wave of farewell to grab life and thrive
A house to live. A table to eat. A car to drive.
She questions, is this really it?
Fast forward to today as she ponders what's next
Her daughters are grown. They've taught her how to text.
The country that welcomed her ten years ago
Has finally embraced her to call it her home.
That house is now lively and that car grew to be four
She feels loved and respected.
And yet she questions, is this really it?
Well no...she finally answers, "I am just starting".