Sunday, March 8, 2009

oh boards...

So I finally got enough courage to open up my USMLEWORLD account to start "studying" for Step 1. My subscription just recently started last weekend, but I needed a little motivation to actually open it up and start practicing with some questions. The motivation came from a small lecture one of our deans gave on Thursday about how we all should be practicing with questions at this time in our studies. "Should be"...are the key words here. For some unknown reason, I have it in my head that I can start studying when finals for this semester's courses are over...and it will all be okay with me passing in the end. Hahaha...I'm such a comedian sometimes. I open my account and start taking these practice tests that I categorize by subject. I don't want to go into full blown depression about my lack of knowledge from the past two years of med school, so I create a test on my "easier" subjects like Biostatistics and Psychiatry. Boy did I get a rude awakening! Who knew that specificity and sensitivity can be plotted on a graph against each other?! *sigh*

After one test, I realized that I need to re-evaluate the rest of my semester. So...I decided to head to the kitchen to cook myself lunch, dinner, and food for the next couple days. "I can't think straight on an empty stomach" was a good enough reason to procrastinate studying even more. Then came my laundry. And now, blogging about the fact that I NEED TO START STUDYING! AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Ok, I'm done. I will go study now. I feel much better after venting/justifying/procrastinating on blogger.

1 comment:

OMDG said...

ROC curves - YAY!

FYI, you can take your score on USMLE World x 2.4 + 80 to get an estimate of your actual score. It will probably make you feel better.